Monday, October 13, 2008

Current Aspire One grub.conf

I've seen some slightly different grub config's on the various AA1 forums. So here's mine.

title Linpus Linux RCD
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/bzImage ro root=LABEL=linpus vga=0x311 splash=silent loglevel=1 console=tty1 quiet elevator=noop
initrd /boot/initrd-splash.img
(everything below title should be tab indented)

A brief analysis:
rootnoverify sets the root of all further mentioned directories. (hd0,0) should be obvious. It's described in full on the splashimage line up top.
kernel sets the kernel image, the file /boot/bzImage. Everything thereafter are arguments to the kernel.
initrd sets the initial ram disk. Not sure entirely what that means, but that sounds remarkably like an "instant on" sort of feature. Unsure.

elevator=noop is the SSD fix found on the various AA1 forums.

What I was adding to "try" and get bootchart working was a "init=/sbin/bootchartd" string to the kernel arguments. That part doesn't seem to work. More digging...

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