Saturday, October 11, 2008

Adding to Desktop

Adding stuff to the desktop was trickier than I'd hoped.

There's a file here:


It's the only file in the folder. This is an XML file that describes the desktop.

sudo mousepad /home/user/.config/xfce4/desktop/group-app.xml

It's not too difficult to understand, just the last guy that edited this stock one was sloppy.

In the work section, there's actually an application horizontally on the same line as another one. That was a annoying to discover.

Applications links can be found here:


Browsing there with the file browser is fine, except the names you see here aren't the same names as they are on disk.

fedory-geany.desktop -> Geany
xchat.desktop -> IRC
Terminal.desktop -> Terminal

So anyways, that's now done. I have usable icons on my desktop.

The next problem is the Geany application. For whatever reason, it used the generic name which was "Integrated Development Environment", or something along those lines. So I opened up the fedora-geany.desktop file and changed the generic name to Geany.

*Now* we have a good desktop.

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